Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Micheal Jordan Book Report

Very Interesting book and learned so much about The Greatest athlete on earth!

On the Court With Micheal Jordan. author Matt Christopher, Pages 143, 2003

This was a Biography so there is no story line but it just talks about how he became the greatest basketball player in the world. He worked really hard and had a really good attitude towards basketball and he believed in himself and worked really hard to win a championship and he won many of them. The authors style was always leading towards new accomplishments that jordan would have, he would make it easy to read but also interesting at the same time. The books narrarator was the author because he is the one who wrote the biography. The intended audience is for athletes and people who like sports or like micheal jordan. This book is for any one because it is an easy read and explains many things about Micheal Jordan that many people didn't know. I would recommend this book for athletes, people who like sports and litte kids who like basketball. There were many comments for this book but only one was from an actual Writer and they said... "Matt Christopher, the number one sports writer for kids, profiles basketball superstar Michael Jordan, covering his childhood, college career, rookie years, professional career highlights, and his short stint in minor league baseball. This reissue features an update, following Jordan from his re-entry into basketball as a player for the Washington Wizards to his third and final retirement announcement. With updated photos and Matt Christopher's easy-to-read style, this is a biography that's not to be missed." The Sports Book Writers For Kids

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