Saturday, March 17, 2012

How To Kill A Mockingbird

Thought it was going to be an old boring book but was completely wrong!
How to Kill A Mockingbird
Harper Lee 1960
This book was very interesting and had many great plots and was a very good book. It starts with The two kids Jem and scout meeting a new friend and going to school and pretty much showing their lives as they grow up. But the whole time they have a fear of this extremely quiet and spooky man named Boo radley who is said to have stabbed his father in the leg with scissors. The children learn new things about their dad and their black maid who the children realize that black people are not bad and they are treated poorly. They learn many lessons from events that happen around their neighborhood and they meet new people who appear bad at first but come to see that they are not bad and they are just being judged unfairly. Then the story changes to their dad atticus trying to save a black man in court and for being accused of raping a white woman. Atticus is given a hard time for this and the white people soon begin to disrespect him. They later accuse the black man as guilty and something terrible happens. Than the story goes back to the kids beign affraid of boo radley until one night when something very important happens.
The major theme is to not judge someone unfairly because of what society thinks. It is unfair to judge someone before you meet them or see who they really are. Also people can supprise you and be someone else than what they appear, either for the better or for the worse.
The author is a very good author and he explains the story very well and depicts the characters extremely well. The narrator is Scout the little girl and also one of the main characters and having her as the narrator makes the story twice as good because it is coming from the perspective of a little girl.
I think that the audience is for everyone doesn't matter what gender or what age if you are in middle school read it, if you are in Highschool Read it and if you are a grown adult or even an elderly person and haven't already read it. This book is for you because the story is great and what you get from it is priceless.
I very much reccomend this book for everyone because it just will influence whoever reads it. I reccomend this for a reason and it is an easy read only about 250 pages at the most. Stephen Metcalf from New York Times said. "Very sentimental and nostalgic." And Stephanie Wells Said. "Very touching and theme was priceless."

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