Saturday, March 17, 2012

How To Kill A Mockingbird

Thought it was going to be an old boring book but was completely wrong!
How to Kill A Mockingbird
Harper Lee 1960
This book was very interesting and had many great plots and was a very good book. It starts with The two kids Jem and scout meeting a new friend and going to school and pretty much showing their lives as they grow up. But the whole time they have a fear of this extremely quiet and spooky man named Boo radley who is said to have stabbed his father in the leg with scissors. The children learn new things about their dad and their black maid who the children realize that black people are not bad and they are treated poorly. They learn many lessons from events that happen around their neighborhood and they meet new people who appear bad at first but come to see that they are not bad and they are just being judged unfairly. Then the story changes to their dad atticus trying to save a black man in court and for being accused of raping a white woman. Atticus is given a hard time for this and the white people soon begin to disrespect him. They later accuse the black man as guilty and something terrible happens. Than the story goes back to the kids beign affraid of boo radley until one night when something very important happens.
The major theme is to not judge someone unfairly because of what society thinks. It is unfair to judge someone before you meet them or see who they really are. Also people can supprise you and be someone else than what they appear, either for the better or for the worse.
The author is a very good author and he explains the story very well and depicts the characters extremely well. The narrator is Scout the little girl and also one of the main characters and having her as the narrator makes the story twice as good because it is coming from the perspective of a little girl.
I think that the audience is for everyone doesn't matter what gender or what age if you are in middle school read it, if you are in Highschool Read it and if you are a grown adult or even an elderly person and haven't already read it. This book is for you because the story is great and what you get from it is priceless.
I very much reccomend this book for everyone because it just will influence whoever reads it. I reccomend this for a reason and it is an easy read only about 250 pages at the most. Stephen Metcalf from New York Times said. "Very sentimental and nostalgic." And Stephanie Wells Said. "Very touching and theme was priceless."

The Lighning Theif
Rick Riordan
Non Fiction
I very entertaining and so much better than the Movie!
The plot in this book is very entertaining and keeps you interested. It starts with Percy Jackson having trouble with these bullies in his school and he ends up getting in trouble with his teacher who ends up being a creature that can fly asking him where the lightning bolt is. Percy soon finds out that he has power over water and he can move water and cool stuff like that. Also his friend ends up being a saytr which is a person who has goat feet. Also his father walked out on him when he was young and now his mom lives with one of the stinkiest people alive, and he is a complete jerk to her and percy. While they are headed to the school for Gods and demigods they get attacked by a minotor that takes percys mom. They go on a quest to find zeus's lightning bolt and also for his mom.
The major theme is probably the father loves his son so he helps him because he loves him. Also it is a great story of a boy trying to get his mother back and it is a very good action movie and is packed with many mythical creatures.
The authors style is not as clear as other Books because it is a different book but he keeps the action going and explains the creatures fairly well.
The intended audience is for all genders and for all ages because it is very entertaining and not violent action so it is very easily read but is a great book and is reccomended by most english teachers.
CHICAGO SUN-TIMES: Roger Ebert says. "Such a great exciting book for all ages". And Mel Odom said. "Fantastic Thrill Ride."

Friday, March 16, 2012

Old Yeller Book Report
I loved this book it really suprised me how well a childrens book could inspire you soo much.
OLD YELLER (1980s)
Fred Gipson
This book was a very inspiring book it showed how hard work and determination can really help you later on in your life. This book starts off with the main character saying goodbye to his father for a long time. His dad asks him to be the man of the house and to take care of his family. Travis soon becomes very considerate of his family and does as his dad says. Soon a dog starts coming around and is treated as a pest because it keeps eating their food. But soon the dog becomes one of their family and starts protecting the family from animals. They soon love the dog and never let it out of their sight till one day something traggic happens.
One major theme is that Travis believes in himself as the family guardian until yeller comes around and interferes, but later travis finds a soft spot in his heart for Old Yeller.
The Authors style is clear so that it is easy for kids to understand and the narrator is from travis' perspective and it is really moving.
The intended audience is for all ages but reccomended for elementary students and Middle school.]
I reccomend this book for everyone it is touching and has a very good story to it. But i think that young boys would like it a tad more than females because it is a story of a boy and his dog. Elizabeth Nijoka said. "Every child needs to see this movie. My kids all read the book first and then watched the movie. Great classic for children." Sandra M. Walker "Movie Queen" Said. " After 50 some years, Old Yeller still has the power to make me cry. Great children's movie. Savage Sam is also a good watch."
Where the Red Fern Grows Book Report

was a very inspiring book and people can Relate to it!
Where the Red Fern Grows(1980s)
Wilson Rawls

This book was a very good one and personally one of my most favorites. I like these kind of books where they all live in the country and have no relation to the city. This book starts out with the main character getting really into trapping raccoons and every little varmint running around their house. He soon decides that he wants to get dogs so that he can train them to hunt for coons. So he works really hard and works to get money so he can go to the city and buy the dogs. He finally gets enough money and brings home the dogs, they soon become master coon hunters and they start entering in coon hunting contests and winning. Later on worse comes to worse and they run into something that changes their lives forever.

As Billy realizes that all his hard work has been sucessful he starts to work hard in everything he does like work for his momma and for his papa. I think that was the main theme of the story and also the love that a young boy can share for his to best friends(his Dogs).

The authors style is very persuasive on giving you the direct message of the book. The narrator is just like most but also has very clear words for the story.

The intended audience is for ages 8-18 the words are pretty small but there is something like 213 pages in the book. But males would surely like it more than females because females tend to not like hunting as much. I would very much Recomend this book for everyone it is a classic for a reason.

"Where the Red Fern Grows is the heartwarming and adventurous tale for all ages about a young boy and his quest for his own red-bone hound hunting dogs" Norman Tokar. "Where the Red Fern GrowsUser Review - Cole - GoodreadsI gave this book 3 stars because I have seen the movie but it is pretty good. It is mostly about a kid named Billy who wants dogs and he gets them. I liked it when Billy got the dogs it was a good part. My favorite character is Billy".

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Micheal Jordan Book Report

Very Interesting book and learned so much about The Greatest athlete on earth!

On the Court With Micheal Jordan. author Matt Christopher, Pages 143, 2003

This was a Biography so there is no story line but it just talks about how he became the greatest basketball player in the world. He worked really hard and had a really good attitude towards basketball and he believed in himself and worked really hard to win a championship and he won many of them. The authors style was always leading towards new accomplishments that jordan would have, he would make it easy to read but also interesting at the same time. The books narrarator was the author because he is the one who wrote the biography. The intended audience is for athletes and people who like sports or like micheal jordan. This book is for any one because it is an easy read and explains many things about Micheal Jordan that many people didn't know. I would recommend this book for athletes, people who like sports and litte kids who like basketball. There were many comments for this book but only one was from an actual Writer and they said... "Matt Christopher, the number one sports writer for kids, profiles basketball superstar Michael Jordan, covering his childhood, college career, rookie years, professional career highlights, and his short stint in minor league baseball. This reissue features an update, following Jordan from his re-entry into basketball as a player for the Washington Wizards to his third and final retirement announcement. With updated photos and Matt Christopher's easy-to-read style, this is a biography that's not to be missed." The Sports Book Writers For Kids

The Hunger Games Book Report

Didn’t think I would like it but turns out it was pretty cool.

Hunger Games (2008)Collins, SuzanneFiction It starts with 24 Tribes, and only one winner. The Capitol is surrounded by 12 districts that will have games once a year for punishment for the rebellion, against the Capitol in which during District 13 was destroyed. 1 boy and 1 girl from each district is chosen to participate in the Games, from 12 years old to 18. They are put in an arena where they fight to the death until one person remains who is the winner. Katniss Everdeen, a 16-year-old girl, from district 12 volunteers to take the place of her 12 year old sister, named prim, in the 74th annual Hunger Games. Katniss and Peeta, the boy tribute from district 12, are then taken to the Capitol to watch previous Hunger Games and learn what they can in order to at least have a chance. They are then taken to the arena where they are all to wait 60 seconds until the gong rings and they can step off their portals and begin the games.
In the Hunger Games, Katniss is faced with self- preservation because she is forced to participate in the Games though it means killing other people. Also in the 12 Districts the Capitol controls everything, their jobs, how much they can eat (though they find ways around that) even their education. That shows a bit of what is going on in 3rd world countries such as poverty, and starvation. Also in other countries they have the type of government in which no one has much of a say and they are controlled over everything. Suzanne Collins writes in a more serious way on a more dark subject, though there are some romantic sense and even a couple witty jokes it is more of a mature read for the subject matter. Collins uses first-person present tense to tell the story about Katniss and all she does in the Games. The style is not much different from other authors , but it does make it enjoyable to be able to read the story from an "inside view" of the Games.
I think that a young audience would like this and also would be good for young adults as well. This book can be a little violent at parts. There is no harsh language in the Hunger Games or any terribly graphic sense either. When my mom told me that I should read this book I refused. I thought it was like a twilight series which is only for girls. I would recommend this book to anyone that loves action and suspense. Stephen King, in an Entertainment Weekly article describes the Hunger Games as "A violent, jarring, speed-rap of a novel that generates nearly constant suspense. I couldn't stop reading it." And John Green in The New York Times Book Review says "Brilliantly plotted and perfectly paced." I am so glad I read this book, and I think anyone would enjoy it as well.