Friday, November 18, 2011

Chaces MeMe

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:

  • I was Really into dinosaurs and fighting

  • I was living in alpine with my grandma and grandpa

  • I was jumping on the tramp and i was scared i would fall

  • I was watching the crocodile hunter

  • I was bitten by a spider

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:

  • I was really good at scootering

  • I was bullying people

  • I was making good girls go bad

  • I was I was playing baseball

  • I was playing basketball

5 things I was doing 1 year ago:

  • I was watching office allot

  • I was wearing shorts

  • I was on facebook

  • I was going to church

  • I was jumping on the tramp

5 things I was doing yesterday:

  • I was doing this super blog assignment

  • I was playing modern warfare 3, 2, and 1 just for the heck of it

  • I was Eating an apple

  • I was on itunes

  • I was doing school work

5 snacks/treats I enjoy:
• Chocolate covered pretzels
• Mint brownies
• Chips and salsa
• Cookies
• Veggies and dip

5 songs I know all the words to:

  • F**k food (Tech N9ne feat lil wayne and t-pain)

  • I am a child of god

  • The star spangled banner

  • I feel pretty

  • Right above it (Lil wayne feat Drake)

5 things I would do with $100 million:

  • I would buy a gun

  • I would buy a house

  • I would buy a friend

  • I would buy a dog

  • I would buy a truck

5 locations I would like to escape to:

  • The mountains

  • Kentucky

  • arizona

  • colorado

  • texas

5 bad habits I have:

  • I wear my shoes to bed

  • I eat things off the floor

  • I wear little clothing

  • I sleep way too little

  • I Text way too much

5 things I like to do:

  • I like watching t.v.

  • I like listening to music

  • I like to hunt

  • I like friends

  • Playstation3

5 TV shows I like:
• Modern Family
• office
• Community
• Eastmans hunting journal

5 biggest joys at the moment:
• My family
• Getting a car
• Exercising
• Friends

I’m happiest when … I am hanging out with my friends.

Someday I’m going to …
Be married to a hot girl.

When I’m really down, what I want to do is … Do absolutely nothing.

I feel nervous … When talking to my bishop.

I like people who … are funny and nice.

All it takes to make me happy is … to not be annoying.

What I really want to do is … Go to the center of the earth.

I wish that … I could have 1,000 wishes

I don’t like when people are … Dumb.

A person really should ... have great outstanding standards.

I just hate it that … I am so much smarter than everybody.

I just love it that ... I get to do this awesome assignment.


  1. i have been to the center of the earth. its pretty tight bro.

  2. I love community it is just about the best show out there!

  3. People should sleep with their shoes on...just in case of a fire they are prepared to run away.
