Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Crucible Cast

Reverend Samuel Parris: Anthony Hopkins
I chose Anthony Hopkins for the part of Reverend Samuel Parris because he is well known as an intelligent actor. He has experience playing multiple types of roles. Since he has so much experience in all kinds of roles, I believe that he could play an intelligent and religious father as if it was completely natural.
Tituba: Zoe Saldana

I chose Zoe Saldana for the part of Tituba because she has a strong look about her. She plays a person who is persecuted and driven from her home in the movie "Avatar". Because of this reason, I believe that she would act well as a slave.
Abigail "Abby" Williams: Taylor Swift

I chose Taylor Swift for the Part of Abigail Williams because she is known for being beautiful. She also has a seductive look. I believe she could play and mischievious and conniving role.
Thomas Putnam: Orlando Bloom

I chose Orlando Bloom for the part of Thomas Putnam because he has a mysterious and secretive look and he has played serious roles in the past. I believe that with a little stage make up to make him look older, he could play a wealthy landowner. I also believe he would be good at playing a man who connives and takes pieces of others' land.
Goody Ann Putnam: Susan Sarandon

I chose Susan Sarandon for the part of Goody Ann Putnam because of her slight aged yet stern look. She could easily play a mother who has lost most of her children. She looks like she has been through a lot in her life. She looks like someone who could be snappy.
John Proctor: Christian Bale

I chose Christian Bale for the part of John Proctor because he is muscular, as a farmer would be. He is of the correct age to be John Proctor. I believe he would also do well to play as a man trying to cover up a secret, considering the fact he plays Batman in "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight".
Goody Elizabeth Proctor: Jennifer Aniston

I chose Jennifer Aniston for the part of Elizabeth Proctor because I believe she could play the part of a wife well. I believe she would be good and acting as a person who holds a grudge. I also believe she would do well as someone who is grumpy towards her husband.
Mary Warren: Kristen Stewart

I chose Kristen Stewart for the part of Mary Warren because in "Twilight" she plays a girl who is soft spoken and shy. I believe that she would do well playing a girl who is soft spoken and overly outspoken with a little peer pressure. I believe she would also be good at playing a girl who wants to admit that she did something wrong.
Goody Rebecca Nurse: Betty White

I chose Betty White for the part of Rebecca Nurse because she has the look of a grandmother. She can be serious and grumpy as an actor, although in real life she has good humor. She has done some charitable things over her long acting career.
Reverend John Hale: David Hyde Pierce

I chose David Hyde Pierce for the part of John Hale because he appears serious and business like. He looks like a man of logic. He grew up as a Christian.